Section 2.2.4

Sorting Questions

Sorting questions in the Question Bank allows the test-maker to have more control over it.

After adding a few questions to the Question Bank (see Adding Questions), it might look something like Figure

Figure Questions being sorted by Class, alpha-numerically from A-Z

The Question Bank defaults to being sorted by Class, alpha-numerically from A-Z. The arrow above the category Class indicates this.

When the test-maker clicks on the Class header, the Question Bank sorts by Class, but alpha-numerically from Z-A. The arrow turns upside-down to indicate this, as shown in Figure

Figure Questions being sorted by Class, alpha-numerically from Z-A

Figure illustrates another example, where the test-maker clicks on the Type header and thus is sorting questions by Type, alphabetically from A-Z.

Figure Questions being sorted by Type, alphabetically from A-Z

Every column can be sorted alpha-numerically. The test-maker has to click on the category’s header to sort by that category. The upright triangle indicates it is sorting the category alpha-numerically from 1-Z. If the test-maker clicks on the category’s header again, the triangle flips downward, indicating it is sorting the category the opposite way (from Z-1).